Processes and Products
“Through others,
we become ourselves”
- Lev Vygostsky -
Seminars and conferences
Jun 2017: Seminar The Norwegian Activity Group, Hitra
Sept 2017: ISCAR 2017, Quebec
Nov 2017: Seminar The Norwegian Activity Group, Trondheim Jun 2018: Seminar The Norwegian Activity Group, Selbu
Jun 2019: 8th Nordic-Baltic ISCAR, Trondheim
Sept 2019: Seminar The Norwegian Activity Group, Hitra
Oct 2020: Seminar The Norwegian Activity Group, Trondheim
Aug 2021: ISCAR 2021, Brasil (online)
Nov 2021: Seminar The Norwegian Activity Group, Trondheim
Jun 2022: 9th Nordic-Baltic ISCAR, Helsinki
Nov 2022: Seminar The Norwegian Activity Group, Oslo
April 2023: Seminar The Norwegian Activity Group, Zoom
June 2023: Seminar The Norwegian Activity Group, Selbu
Nov 2023: Seminar The Norwegian Activity Group, Trondheim
A Selection of publications
Blomsø, S. Ø., Jakhelln, R. E., & Postholm, M. B. (2023). Student teachers’ experience of participating in a research and development project in Norway. Frontiers in Education, 8.
Dalland, E. B. (2020). Young refugees meeting another road safety culture: developing work in bridging a road safety gap. In M.B. Postholm & K. F. Vennebo (Ed.), Applying cultural historical activity theory in educational settings: Learning, development and research (pp. 26-41). Routledge.
Dalland, E. B. (2012). The Driving Test in Norway: An Intervention Study. In L. Dorn (Red.), Driver Behaviour and Training (Vol. 5). Ashgate.
Dalland, E. S. B. (2014). Førerprøven i et helhetlig perspektiv. En intervensjonsstudie. [Doktorgradsavhandling]. Norges teknisk-vitenskapelige universitet.
Dille, K. B. (2023). Professional development and the potential for collaboration between schools and universities.
[Doktorgradsavhandling]. Norges teknisk-vitenskapelige universitet.
Frisch, N. S. (2020). Inspired of the concept of boundary objects in arts education. In M.B. Postholm & K. F. Vennebo (Ed.), Applying cultural historical activity theory in educational settings: Learning, development and research (pp. 42-57). Routledge.
Frisch, N. S. (2013). Hekta på tegning: Løpeildeffekten som læring. I N. S. Frisch (Red.), Tegningen Lever. Nye dialogiske perspektiver på tegneundervisning i grunnskolen (s. 63-79). Akademika,
Frisch, Nina Scott (2013). Hooked on peers`drawings: the visual wildfire. In J. B. Reitan et al. (Ed.), DRS – CUMULUS Oslo 2013 – Design learning for tomorrow - Design education from kindergarten to PhD. (Vol. 4), pp.1983-1995. ABM-media.
Frisch, N. S. (2011). Ways of talking about drawing practices. Sociocultural views: Gombrich and the visually controlled drawing. FormAakademisk, 4(2), 26-37.
Frisch, N. S. (2010). To see the visually controlled. [Doktorgradsavhandling]. Norges teknisk-vitenskapelige universitet.
Jakhelln, R., & Postholm, M.B. (2022). University–school collaboration as an arena for community-building in teacher education. Educational Research, 46(4), 457-572.
Jensen, R., & Vennebo, K. F. (2016). How school leadership development evolves: crossing timescales and settings. Journal of Workplace Learning, 28(6), 338-354.
Madsen, J. (2020). Cultural-historical activity theory as the basis for mentoring student teachers in triads. In M.B. Postholm & K. F. Vennebo (Ed.), Applying cultural historical activity theory in educational settings: Learning, development and research (pp. 58-72). Routledge.
Nilsen, V. & Klemp, T. (2020). Encouraging working and communicating like mathematicians: an illustrative case on dialogic teaching. In M.B. Postholm & K. F. Vennebo (Ed.), Applying cultural historical activity theory in educational settings: Learning, development and research (pp. 73-90). Routledge.
Postholm, M.B. (2023). Innføring i skoleutvikling for lærerstudenter. Med FoU- og masteroppgaven som grunnlag. Fagbokforlaget.
Postholm, M.B. (2020). Schools conducting research in collaboration with researchers. In M.B. Postholm & K. F. Vennebo (Ed.), Applying cultural historical activity theory in educational settings: Learning, development and research (pp. 12-25). Routledge.
Postholm, M.B. (2020). The Importance of the Start-Up Phase in School-Based Development for Learning and Enduring Change. European Journal of Teacher Education, 44(4), 572-586.
Postholm, M.B. (2020). Formative Interventions and Action Research and Learning. Educational Research, 62(3), 324-339.
Postholm, M.B. (2020). Premises and Promises for Expansive Learning in Teacher Education. Frontiers in Education, 5(41), 1-11.
Postholm, M.B. (2019). Research and development in school. Grounded in cultural historical activity theory. Brill Academic Publishers.
Postholm, M.B. (2019). The teacher educator’s role as enacted and experienced in school-based development. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 25(3), 320-333.
Postholm, M. B. (2018). Reflective thinking in educational settings: an approach to theory and research on reflection. Educational Research, 60(4), 427-444.
Postholm, M.B. (2016). Collaboration between Teacher Educators and Schools to enhance Development. European Journal of Teacher Education, 39(4), 452-470.
Postholm, M.B. (2015). Methodologies in Cultural-Historical Activity Theory: The example of School-based Development. Educational Research, 57(1), 43-58.
Postholm, M.B. (2011). A Completed Research and Development Work Project in School: The Teachers’ Learning and Possibilities, Premises and Challenges for Further Development. Teaching and Teacher Education, 27(3), 560-568.
Postholm, M.B. (2008). The Start-Up Phase in a Research and Development Work Project: A Foundation for Development". Teaching and Teacher Education, 24(3), 575-584.
Postholm, M.B. (2008). Cultural historical activity theory and Dewey’s idea-based social constructivism: Consequences for Educational Research. Outlines, (1), 37-48.
Postholm, M.B. & Moen, T. (2011). Communities of development: A new modell for R&D work. Journal of Educational Change, 12(4) 385-401.
Postholm, M.B., Dahl, T., Engvik, G., Fjørtoft, H., Irgens, E. J., Sandvik, L. V., Wæge, K. (2013). En gavepakke til ungdomstrinnet? En undersøkelse av piloten for den nasjonale satsingen på skolebasert kompetanseutvikling. Akademika forlag.
Postholm, M.B., Klemp, T., & Nordboth, M, (under review). Student teachers and teacher educators in university and school working collectively on the students’ R&D projects. SJER
Postholm, M.B. & Vennebo, K. F. (2020). The texts in context. In M.B. Postholm & K. F. Vennebo (Ed.), Applying cultural historical activity theory in educational settings: Learning, development and research (pp. 12-25). Routledge.
Sandvik, L.V. (2016). Hvordan utvikle vurderingskulturer? I H. Fjørtoft & L. V. Sandvik (Red.), Vurderingskompetanse i skolen. Praksis, læring og utvikling, s. 270-292. Universitetsforlaget
Sandvik, L.V. (2012). Skrivekompetanse i fremmedspråk - hva innebærer det? Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, (2), 154-165.
Sandvik, L.V. (2011). Via mål til mening. En studie av skriving og vurderingskultur i grunnskolens tyskundervisning. [Doktorgradsavhandling]. Norges teknisk-vitenskapelige universitet.
Sandvik, L.V. & Emstad, A. B. (2020). Realizing data-driven changes and teacher agency in upper secondary schools through formative interventions. In M.B. Postholm & K. F. Vennebo (Ed.), Applying cultural historical activity theory in educational settings: Learning, development and research (pp. 91-107). Routledge.
Strand, G. M. (2019). Experiencing the transition to lower secondary school: Students’ voices. International Journal of Educational Research, 97, 13–21.
Strand, G. M. (2020). Experiencing the transition to lower secondary school: Parents’ voices. I K. Smith (Red.), Validity and value of teacher education research (s. 73–90). Fagbokforlaget.
Strand, G. M. (2020). Supporting the transition to secondary school: The voices of lower secondary leaders and teachers. Educational Research, 62(2), 129–145.
Vennebo, K. F. & Aas, M. (2021). Building leadership capacity in school leadership groups: an action research project. Educational Action Research, 31(2), 348–365
Vennebo, K. F. & Aas, M. (2020). Leadership and change in a Norwegian school context: Tensions as productive driving forces. Educational Management Administration & Leadership.50(6), 963- 978.
Vennebo, K.F. (2020). A study of case-based problem-solving work in groups of principals participating in a school leadership programme. In M.B. Postholm & K. F. Vennebo (Ed.), Applying cultural historical activity theory in educational settings: Learning, development and research (pp. 108-125). Routledge.
Vennebo, K. F. & Aas, M. (2020). A supportive tool for principals in guiding professional group discussions. Educational Research. 62(3), 266-283.
​Vennebo, K. F. (2016). Innovative work in school development: exploring leadership enactment. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 45(2), 298-315.
Vennebo, K. F. (2015). School Leadership in Innovative Work: Places and Spaces.
[Doctoral dissertation]. University of Oslo.
Vennebo, K. F. & Ottesen, E. (2014). The emergence of innovative work in School development. Journal of Educational Change, 16(2), 197-216.
Vennebo, K. F. & Ottesen, E. (2011). School leadership: constitution and distribution. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 15(3), 255-270.